
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Droppin' Like Flies!

It strikes me as rather funny that while my blog sat inactive for over three years, the number of readers I had did not change. I'm guessing it was a case of 'out of sight, out of mind.' Now that I've resurrected the blog, however, my readers are droppin' like flies! I'm trying not to take offense at this as I realize my posts showing up on your feeds may remind you that it's time to clean up your list of blogs to follow. It's also obvious that my content has changed, although those that stick with me will see that there are some changes on the horizon that may be interesting.

I plan to change the header of the blog to reflect that, just as soon as I can figure out how. Sometime while I was away from blogging, Blogger changed some things with my template. For some reason, I cannot edit or even delete the image in my header; it simply will not allow me to access that. If I can't get to it by changing my template, I may have to start a new blog and import everything to it. Knowing this is likely to take me some time to figure out is why I haven't tackled it yet.

How in the world did I find the free time to do all the fun blog stuff years ago? I miss reading other blogs, too, but currently don't have the spare time for that either. I have plans to at some point, but my husband reminded me yesterday that "life is what happens while you're making plans for the future." True, that!


  1. Hi Chili,
    My apologies for the delay in sending my best wishes for your husband's good and quick recovery. There is so much about our health that we do not know!
    Your blog will stay in my reading list :) And I will comment more often even if Blogger tells me that my comment delivery failed, as it usually does! The content may change because life has changed so much from the years when we were finding ways to reduce our footprint, but I always enjoy reading your new posts. (It makes me smile to read bloggers who are "discovering" things that we knew back then :)
    I tried to jumpstart my site but found that I will also need to go in a new direction. I'm also on downtime due to nursing a broken wrist. Your husband's quote is SO appropriate!

    1. Thanks! His eye is getting better but it looks like he will have a small amount (5%?) permanent vision loss.

      I appreciate that you will continue reading and commenting, even though blogger is not notifying me of your comments either. (Weird!)

      Hope your broken wrist heals quickly and well. So inconvenient, isn't it?!


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